Nay! I swear by the day of resurrection. [QS. 75:1] ; Nay! I swear by the self-accusing soul. [QS. 75:2] ; Does man think that We shall not gather his bones? [QS. 75:3] ; Yea! We are able to make complete his very fingertips [QS. 75:4] ; Nay! man desires to give the lie to what is before him. [QS. 75:5] ; He asks: When is the day of resurrection? [QS. 75:6] ; So when the sight becomes dazed, [QS. 75:7] ; And the moon becomes dark, [QS. 75:8] ; And the sun and the moon are brought together, [QS. 75:9] ; Man shall say on that day: Whither to fly to? [QS. 75:10] ; By no means! there shall be no place of refuge! [QS. 75:11] ; With your Lord alone shall on that day be the place of rest. [QS. 75:12] ; Man shall on that day be informed of what he sent before and (what he) put off. [QS. 75:13] ; Nay! man is evidence against himself, [QS. 75:14] ; Though he puts forth his excuses. [QS. 75:15] ; Do not move your tongue with it to make haste with it, [QS. 75:16] ; Surely on Us (devolves) the collecting of it and the reciting of it. [QS. 75:17] ; Therefore when We have recited it, follow its recitation. [QS. 75:18] ; Again on Us (devolves) the explaining of it. [QS. 75:19] ; Nay! But you love the present life, [QS. 75:20] ; And neglect the hereafter. [QS. 75:21] ; (Some) faces on that day shall be bright, [QS. 75:22] ; Looking to their Lord. , [QS. 75:23] ; And (other) faces on that day shall be gloomy, [QS. 75:24] ; Knowing that there will be made to befall them some great calamity. [QS. 75:25] ; Nay! When it comes up to the throat, . [QS. 75:26] ; And it is said: Who will be a magician? [QS. 75:27] ; And he is sure that it is the (hour of) parting [QS. 75:28] ; And affliction is combined with affliction; [QS. 75:29] ; To your Lord on that day shall be the driving. [QS. 75:30] ; So he did not accept the truth, nor did he pray, [QS. 75:31] ; But called the truth a lie and turned back, [QS. 75:32] ; Then he went to his followers, walking away in haughtiness. [QS. 75:33] ; Nearer to you (is destruction) and nearer, [QS. 75:34] ; Again (consider how) nearer to you and nearer. [QS. 75:35] ; Does man think that he is to be left to wander without an aim? [QS. 75:36] ; Was he not a small seed in the seminal elements, [QS. 75:37] ; Then he was a clot of blood, so He created (him) then made (him) perfect. [QS. 75:38] ; Then He made of him two kinds, the male and the female. [QS. 75:39] ; Is not He able to give life to the dead? [QS. 75:39].

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009


Sejatining hurip iku hamung sak protelu soko dhowoning hurip iro
Soko sak protelone iku, hamung rong protelon ingkang upayaniro kang iso kaitung tumrap pokok ing ngaurip.
Lamun manungso kelalen anggone anglampahi hurip, kepranan lan lali amargo pikirane kecanthel amung marang penggawean lan kasukan, sejatine urip iro dadi ora ono koyone tumrap Sing menehi Urip iro.

Akeh wong ingkang bingung marang lelakon ing jaman saiki
Pindho langit karo bumi bedane,
Sing sengsoro ora koyo manungso, sing bungah ora koyo manungso
Ibarat mangan sego aking wae ora iso dilakoni, rambute brumbun mergo mikir dioyak –oyak utang uga ora iso dietung.
Nanging sing platarane kebak tunggangan meling-meling cet-cetane, omahe magrong – magrong, lan bibik embane pirang – pirang ugo akeh.
Ono omah dapure mambu gereh sik digoreng nyulek irung, nanging ing kiwane omah, dapure resik amargo mangane tuku ono ing omah makan gedhe.
Ono sing kranjang sampahe kebak bonggol godhong telo pendak ndino, nanging sebelahe omah, kranjang sampahe pendak ndino kebak kerdus wadhah barang-barang toko.

Sejatine, endhi sing salah lan endhi sing bener ?
Nanging, lamun jaman iki wus genep sarate
Yoiku genep kang dadi pratondho marang tekane jaman edan
Ojo sumelang tumrap wong kang rekoso
Amargo, jaman iki wus ngancik marang jaman kang dadi wolak walik.

Sejatine ugo, ajaran poro linuwih wus paring pituduh
Yen sejatine, urip ono ing ngalam ndonyo iku, penjorone kanggo wong sing ditresnani kang gawe urip dan swarganing wong kang diujo sing gawe urip.

Yen hurip iku hamung sak protelu soko dhowoning hurip iro
Lan ngakherat iku sak lawase
Ora patut siro cilik ati lan meri karo wong kang diujo uripe ono ing ngalam ndonyo iki.

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