Nay! I swear by the day of resurrection. [QS. 75:1] ; Nay! I swear by the self-accusing soul. [QS. 75:2] ; Does man think that We shall not gather his bones? [QS. 75:3] ; Yea! We are able to make complete his very fingertips [QS. 75:4] ; Nay! man desires to give the lie to what is before him. [QS. 75:5] ; He asks: When is the day of resurrection? [QS. 75:6] ; So when the sight becomes dazed, [QS. 75:7] ; And the moon becomes dark, [QS. 75:8] ; And the sun and the moon are brought together, [QS. 75:9] ; Man shall say on that day: Whither to fly to? [QS. 75:10] ; By no means! there shall be no place of refuge! [QS. 75:11] ; With your Lord alone shall on that day be the place of rest. [QS. 75:12] ; Man shall on that day be informed of what he sent before and (what he) put off. [QS. 75:13] ; Nay! man is evidence against himself, [QS. 75:14] ; Though he puts forth his excuses. [QS. 75:15] ; Do not move your tongue with it to make haste with it, [QS. 75:16] ; Surely on Us (devolves) the collecting of it and the reciting of it. [QS. 75:17] ; Therefore when We have recited it, follow its recitation. [QS. 75:18] ; Again on Us (devolves) the explaining of it. [QS. 75:19] ; Nay! But you love the present life, [QS. 75:20] ; And neglect the hereafter. [QS. 75:21] ; (Some) faces on that day shall be bright, [QS. 75:22] ; Looking to their Lord. , [QS. 75:23] ; And (other) faces on that day shall be gloomy, [QS. 75:24] ; Knowing that there will be made to befall them some great calamity. [QS. 75:25] ; Nay! When it comes up to the throat, . [QS. 75:26] ; And it is said: Who will be a magician? [QS. 75:27] ; And he is sure that it is the (hour of) parting [QS. 75:28] ; And affliction is combined with affliction; [QS. 75:29] ; To your Lord on that day shall be the driving. [QS. 75:30] ; So he did not accept the truth, nor did he pray, [QS. 75:31] ; But called the truth a lie and turned back, [QS. 75:32] ; Then he went to his followers, walking away in haughtiness. [QS. 75:33] ; Nearer to you (is destruction) and nearer, [QS. 75:34] ; Again (consider how) nearer to you and nearer. [QS. 75:35] ; Does man think that he is to be left to wander without an aim? [QS. 75:36] ; Was he not a small seed in the seminal elements, [QS. 75:37] ; Then he was a clot of blood, so He created (him) then made (him) perfect. [QS. 75:38] ; Then He made of him two kinds, the male and the female. [QS. 75:39] ; Is not He able to give life to the dead? [QS. 75:39].

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

On a tombstone

On a tombstone, written verses of poetry as follows:

"Tomb-silent grave whisper to you,
While the occupants lay still under the ground.

O collector treasures of the world that would never satisfied,
To whom you collect treasures of the world?
While you yourself must die? "

(from the book: "Beyond the Veil of Death" by: Imam Al Ghazali)

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Kamis, 23 Juli 2009


Sejatining hurip iku hamung sak protelu soko dhowoning hurip iro
Soko sak protelone iku, hamung rong protelon ingkang upayaniro kang iso kaitung tumrap pokok ing ngaurip.
Lamun manungso kelalen anggone anglampahi hurip, kepranan lan lali amargo pikirane kecanthel amung marang penggawean lan kasukan, sejatine urip iro dadi ora ono koyone tumrap Sing menehi Urip iro.

Akeh wong ingkang bingung marang lelakon ing jaman saiki
Pindho langit karo bumi bedane,
Sing sengsoro ora koyo manungso, sing bungah ora koyo manungso
Ibarat mangan sego aking wae ora iso dilakoni, rambute brumbun mergo mikir dioyak –oyak utang uga ora iso dietung.
Nanging sing platarane kebak tunggangan meling-meling cet-cetane, omahe magrong – magrong, lan bibik embane pirang – pirang ugo akeh.
Ono omah dapure mambu gereh sik digoreng nyulek irung, nanging ing kiwane omah, dapure resik amargo mangane tuku ono ing omah makan gedhe.
Ono sing kranjang sampahe kebak bonggol godhong telo pendak ndino, nanging sebelahe omah, kranjang sampahe pendak ndino kebak kerdus wadhah barang-barang toko.

Sejatine, endhi sing salah lan endhi sing bener ?
Nanging, lamun jaman iki wus genep sarate
Yoiku genep kang dadi pratondho marang tekane jaman edan
Ojo sumelang tumrap wong kang rekoso
Amargo, jaman iki wus ngancik marang jaman kang dadi wolak walik.

Sejatine ugo, ajaran poro linuwih wus paring pituduh
Yen sejatine, urip ono ing ngalam ndonyo iku, penjorone kanggo wong sing ditresnani kang gawe urip dan swarganing wong kang diujo sing gawe urip.

Yen hurip iku hamung sak protelu soko dhowoning hurip iro
Lan ngakherat iku sak lawase
Ora patut siro cilik ati lan meri karo wong kang diujo uripe ono ing ngalam ndonyo iki.

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Kamis, 12 Maret 2009


Surely We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to be unfaithful to it and feared from it, and man has turned unfaithful to it; surely he is unjust, ignorant; (QS. 33: 72)

Loss of trust / mandate in the earth, this is one of the signs of small (Sughra) kiamat. In such a way main large from the trust / mandate and in such a way heavy it so that sky, mount and earth even also front for shouldering it ? Or in such a way stupid man so that they feel ready and have the kindness to shoulder it?

The Trust / mandate according to the grammar means that: "al-wafa '(fulfill) and" wadi'ah "(trust), but the substance of meaning conveyed by Syariat religion, is all specified by laws is God (which have been submitted by of Prophets and Apostle ). Hold or shoulder the trust / mandate mean to adhere all laws which have been made by God and the leadings of the trust / mandate mean be not adhere it punishing God ( good one, partly or altogether ) by the trust / mandate owner like the one written in the Quran 33:72.

God's law or the trust / mandate, among other things, such as the obligation to maintain the trust given by others, Allah said: " And if you are upon a journey and you do not find a scribe, then (there may be) a security taken into possession; but if one of you trusts another, then he who is trusted should deliver his trust, and let him be careful (of his duty to) Allah, his Lord; " (QS . 2:283 a), or the command of God to be fair: " Surely Allah commands you to make over trusts to their owners and that when you judge between people you judge with justice;" (QS. 4:58 a), or all the laws that passed through His messenger (a revelation): " O Messenger! deliver what bas been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message," (QS. 5:67a), and also the prohibition of God for not to betray (the trust / mandate) : " O you who believe! be not unfaithful to Allah and the Messenger, nor be unfaithful to your trusts while you know." (QS. 8:27)

That is because its, that the concerned the trust / mandate is all Gods laws, so that fair if sky, earth and mount front for shouldering it. And because loss of the trust / mandate (is not hold it or be not adhere it the trust / mandate) by man (the real have promised to shoulder it , QS. 33:72) become because the to come is the day of resurrection, because without adhere it law - God law, cause this earth chaos. For example, one of example of from the trust / mandate is apply is fair. When man have disobeyed fair void and justice in life in this world, hence will cause the the man some of injustice effect other man maltreatment of. With the some other by man some of maltreatment of, resulting grief, miserable some other and leisure or excess (good of estae, domicile and opportunity) for some other is by the the unjust deed, and also the of impinging rights some other is to some of other (doing is unjust or don't hold the trust / mandate). As does there will be floods and slide when forest is chopped down and hairless, hence there will be a disaster also if (there are) any other man rights impinged by some of other men. That thing also is a law or decision of God also.

The trust / mandate essence as specified by law is God to His creature of the coverage is very wide, that is including everything related to creature, good of responsibility and also is the obligation. Scrumptious which God give also including the trust / mandate. Live us, our breath, and also our body (bad good, ugly, nicely and or perfection according to creature measure) is the trust / mandate which we must shouldering and we is locate according to decision of God law. Thank goodness is scrumptious by exploiting all enjoying as supporting facilities for religious services and adhere decision of Gods for the shake of purpose of akherat are road;street hold or shoulder the trust / mandate, but thank goodness is scrumptious by way of x'self pride and exploit to the advantage (of) ownself in reaching is scrumptious of world is denial to the trust / mandate.

For example a woman who favors given by God as a beautiful face and body beautiful. A beautiful face and beautiful body that is the trust / mandate that must be shouldered by the woman. When Grace is (a beautiful face and beautiful body) makes him closer to God and obedient, and always decorate with beautiful face and smile happily maintain the beauty of the body with the cover with the appropriate clothing, so that the beauty of the body itself, not upon the person or Another view to the error, it means the woman has held the trust / mandate. But when the beauty of face and body beauty is used as a means to achieve happiness of the world, pride smile disperse, and always show the beauty of her body to get praise or benefit from it, or play with her body is, deliberately or not deliberately have influenced his own and distraction to other people, hence the trust / mandate leading which he/she shouldering. So forth, that grace is not limited to the physical (body, possessions, and wealth), but also to non-physical (and leisure opportunities).

The leading of the trust / mandate (is not adhere it God law) can happened by many thingses. In a hadist, from Ash Hurairah Prophet Muhammad have ever asked by a bedouin, he enquire to Apostle: " When the day of resurrection happened ? " Then Prophet utter: " If the trust / mandate have been wasted, hence awaiting the to come is the day of resurrection." The Bedouin people enquire again : " What wasting in it ?" Prophet answer : " If a/n case is leaned to people which not the expert, hence awaiting of resurrection." Waste in the trust / mandate happened because a/n case is leaned or held by people which not the expert or people which don't know intention, purpose and the case essence. Imagine is just, for example, leadership business or case, what intrinsically is giving example to the led, point people who lead it for an purpose of excellency ( as agreement with in a/n pilgrim), and know that the leadership of giving world consequence akherat / the beyond to people who and also their/his self lead it, but the leadership business or case held by people which don't understanding all the ? And exactly the leadership case or business held or given by people which only knowing that leadership is medium for feathering nest, plume and exploit it for the sake of faction and also ownself ? When that happened, hence will vanish the trust / mandate.

Well, if that happens around us ? in our environment ? or in our own lives ? We can assess themselves. " If a/n case is leaned to people which not the expert,..” then a case will not ever reach the goal, abused for the sake of a goal that separated from the truth. Abuse of trust, take advantage of the opportunity for personal or group interests, it does not matter is resolved well, and the tip of the cause of all the suffering, misery and the other part of the surplus for the leisure or the other as a result of the disjoint of a case from the real purpose , and the of impinging rights by some other part of the other. And when it happens, .. hence awaiting of resurrection." Hopefully we avoid including those who are vain the trust / mandate. Because when that happens, then we will be included in the classes of the people who caused the rapid arrival of Resurrection. We seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan tempting.

And if the people of the towns had believed and guarded (against evil) We would certainly have opened up for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they rejected, so We overtook them for what they had earned. ( QS. 7 : 96 ).


Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

I ...

I ...
(don't be long reverie )

I realize it when quiet was arrived;
That I am not something .....
Existence of from there no ..... then become there is .....
Existence of from there no ...... return becoming not there is .....

I realize it when I see the stars in the sky;
That I am not something .....
I am just a dust in this great world broadness .....
a thousands, a million, not even be calculated grain dust than I am .....
If only a thousand dust ... .. even a million dust destroyed,
Grain dust in this great world still countless .....
More than anything else only me .....

I realize it when I am in failure;
That I am not something .....
I was not as strong as I imagine .....
I was not the main actors .....

I realize it when I wake up from sleep;
That I am not something .....
Because I even also ignore where me when before I wake up .....

I realize it when I am in the bustle of the world;
That I am not something .....
Because even if I am silent, frenzied is really frenzied .....

I realize it when I remember the dead;
That I am not something .....
I am not a beloved .....
what is because inexistence always is longing .....
I am not the sun .....
What is caused by earth becoming is light .....
I am not like water .... and I am also not a fire .....

I am only me .....
Which only I x'self which will account effect deed of me .....
Which only I x'self determine the direction of my journey .....
Which only I x'self requiring .....
Which only I x'self needing felt pity .....

Because I am a human being .....
The most stupid thing in fact .....
What feeling know what actually don't know .....
What feeling required by nature ..... though actually on the contrary .....
What feeling required by the Creator ..... is though actually on the contrary .....

I actually only human .....
What is only a heap of flesh… coming from something affronting .....
What is because the readyness receive trust from the Creator, man is confronted to two choice .....
Kept a promise ..... or disobey it .....
And there is two road .....
Heaven or Hell .....

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Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

Large signs (Kubra) Resurrection

After knowing the small signs (sughra) of Resurrection, where the knowledge of the not yet, or are all the signs have been small (sughra) was not there on all of us, and that the only certainty will come about only people who have come for business, sign - another sign that the knowledge is also given to the people is the large signs (kubra) of Resurrection. When it is said: Do they then wait for aught but the hour that it should come to them all of a sudden? Now indeed the tokens of it have (already) come, but how shall they have their reminder when it comes on them? [QS. [QS. 47:18],

that the coming of Resurrection is a sudden, the same is the case with small signs, we also do not know whether the signs of which have been given to the knowledge we have not yet occurred, or is already happening in part of part, or even everything has happened, there was not a soul knowing the certainty.

Following, among others, about the large signs ( kubra ) of Resurrection, where the signs are or what has passed there, is going on and continue to occur, and signs that possibility has not happened, and will occur sometime later, somewhere tomorrow , or sometime.
About the large signs ( kubra ) of Resurrection, among others:

1. Al-Mahdi comes.
2. The emergence of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal.
3. Decrease in Al-Huda Al-Masih Isa bin Maryam As.
4. The emergence Ya'juj and Ma'juj.
5. Break Ka'bah of the noble in the hands Dzu Suwaiqatain a distant second legs.
6. Fog out before the day of Resurrection.
7. The sun rising from the west.
8. The emergence of the earth and speak animals to humans.
9. Lifted and the of eroding Al-Quran, and also man the return to worship idols.
10.The exit of fire that lead to human Mahsyar.

The signs are just a warning, and sometimes, man, because rushing the world, become not remember, or do not even care that the warning has never come about and go by the board. For when the trumpet is sounded, That, at that time, shall be a difficult day, For the unbelievers, anything but easy. [QS. 74: 8-10]

( Remember ) The day ( on which ) We will gather those who guard (against evil) to the Beneficent Allah to receive honors. [QS. 19:85 ].

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Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

Don't ( We ) doze.

what every day you (We) do wake up after sleeping in the morning?
Wake up, take a wudhu, Shalat ago sleep again?
Or ... wake up, take a wudhu, Shalat, than sat in front of the TV?
Or ... wake up, take a wudhu, Shalat, then observed one by one good and chattel ( the property that we have ) which we having, who knows there is losing or moving from the place ?
Or ... oversleep up a bit, and make a bath, and hurry to dress and sit on the table for breakfast toast and tea warm ago and then quick ride to get to work?

Do we have ever designedly wake up morning, after Shalat ago standing outside the house looked the sky, waiting for rising The Sun who a lifetime we have been faithful brighten the days of our day?

Doesn't a few passed by quickly are just at your heart (We) fear and doubt that the morning of the sun will not rise that again?
Or, doesn't a few passed by quickly are just in your heart (We) fear and doubt that the morning of the sun does not appear from the Eastern horizon?
Or, are you sure that the sun will come as usual?
Or, do you have forgetten with that all?
Or, do you have not care with that all?

Historical Hadist Abu Zar ra:
On a day that the Prophet said: "you know where the sun go?" Of Friends answer that God and His prophet is more know. Messenger of Allah said again: "The sun goes up until the end to the permanent place under the Throne, and throw themselves prostrate. He (the sun) in circumstances that continue to uttered to him: 'Come up, go back where you came from. "The Sun than returned, so that in the morning rise again rising from the place. Then run, to end at the permanent place under the Throne, and prostrate and remains in such circumstances, until uttered to him: 'Come up, go back where you came from. The sun then returned again, so that the morning show of the rising. Then he goes back a bit without human unaware, until the end to the permanent place under the Throne, and uttered to him: 'Take, rising from the West. So the next morning, the sun rise from the West. Messenger of Allah. Continuing: "Did you when that happens? when that happens: They do not wait aught but that the angels should come to them, or that your Lord should come, or that some of the signs of your Lord should come. On the day when some of the signs of your Lord shall come, its faith shall not profit a soul which did not believe before, or earn good through its faith. Say: Wait; we too are waiting.
[QS. 6: 158].

It is really,when life of the world have made we doze,
If easiness of world have made we forget,
when the delicious of estae, the luxury and cold of our home, have made we forget and don't care, and our religious service only is ritual rutinitity, just drop the obligation, without generating secondhand for heart, our mind and feelings, then, indeed, we are medium towards to wrong way without we realize.

The love of desires, of women and sons and hoarded treasures of gold and silver and well bred horses and cattle and tilth, is made to seem fair to men; this is the provision of the life of this world; and Allah is He with Whom is the good goal (of life). [QS. 3: 14]

Allah amplifies and straitens the means of subsistence for whom He pleases; and they rejoice in this world's life, and this world's life is nothing compared with the hereafter but a temporary enjoyment. [QS. 13:26]

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Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Small signs of Resurrection

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